вторник, 13 марта 2012 г.

The cult of the sun in the mythology of the Slavs

In the burial hill tribes protoslavyan vessels are often found with the sign of the sun on the outer surface of the bottom. The largest number of finds dated to the graves, located between the rivers Vistula and the Dnieper. In the southern part of the territory of Slav settlement began to form. These tribes migrated and reached the Gulf of Finland in the north-west, the middle Volga in the east and the upper Volga River in the north-east.Designs on ceramic vessels found in graves suggest that the Proto imagine the world into the four. The three tiers, which are depicted on the ceramic vessels Tripoli culture, added the fourth - the underground, where the sun hides at night. It should ask why the ancients depicted the world in round vessels? Probably, we have a model of the universe of the ancient protoslavyan: a spherical world, consisting of the upper palate with the reserves of water, sky, through which moves the sun, the earth with plants and people, as well as the underworld, where the sun hides at night and where it goes in the morning. We can assume that it is - a prototype of the geocentric world system that emerged more than four thousand years ago and then lost for many centuries.At the turn of the Bronze and Iron Ages (XI - VII centuries. BC. E.) In the pre-Slav mythology formed the cult of the sun. All ornaments are found more often in its symbols: the cross and the wheel with four, six or eight spokes. It is interesting to note that the wheel with four spokes, or the cross was a symbol not only of the sun, and fire. Hence, identifying them, the ancient Slavs believed that the sun shines, because it burns. Wheel with six spokes was also associated with the sky, storm, thunder and lightning. The wheel with eight spokes-rays was the only sign Solptsa.In 1957, p. Lepesovka Belogorskiy district of Khmelnitsky region. archaeologist M. Tihanova during the excavation of the altar III - IV centuries. Mr. Oe. found well-preserved vessels for the New Year divination and spells. On the flat edge of a ritual bowl depicts a complex pattern consisting of 12 sections. In 1962, Rybakov decipher this pattern as a calendar. However, he argued as follows. The cross - a symbol of the sun or fire, and the ancient Slavic ritual fire lit three times a year in January (after the winter solstice), March (the vernal equinox) and June (summer solstice). Midsummer Festival (June 24) could symbolized by two elements of the pagan cult - fire and water (remember the rituals of this festival). On the ornament, the symbol of the Sun is shown three times - in the first, third and sixth sections. Consequently, the first section could be denoted in January, the third - March, and the sixth - in June. In the fourth section of the figure shows a tool for plowing the ground - plow. Time of tillage - April. In the eighth section of painted ears - cereals ripen in August and the beginning of their harvesting. Figure ninth section is similar to the network. Rybakov said its great similarity with the image of the network to old pictures of the autumn hunting of migratory birds. Consequently, we do a network, and it is marked in September.

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